The Valsartan Consumer Economic Loss & Medical Monitoring Class Action is an active lawsuit

Valsartan Consumer Economic Loss & Medical Monitoring Class Action

Valsartan consumer economic loss and medical monitoring class notice was recently mailed to thousands of Americans. Learn more about the valsartan class notice.

If You Are An Individual Who Consumed, And/Or Paid Any Amount of Money for Valsartan or Valsartan-Containing Drugs (“VCDs”), A Class Action  Lawsuit Could Affect Your Rights

In late 2023 and early 2024, a valsartan consumer economic loss and medical monitoring class action notice was mailed to anyone who consumed contaminated valsartan between 2012 and 2021.  Did you receive a valsartan class action notification in the mail? If so, there are some important things that you should know regarding the valsartan lawsuits!

Why is There A Valsartan Class Action?

The valsartan class action relates to money that individuals paid for the blood pressure medication valsartan, which was found to be contaminated with potent cancer-causing agents. The valsartan class action is to recover the money that was spent on contaminated and adulterated valsartan. The specific carcinogens that were found in generic valsartan was N-nitrosodimethylamine (“NDMA”) and N-nitrosodiethylamine (“NDEA”). Both of these nitrosamines are carcinogenic. In fact, NDMA is what scientists give lab rats to induce and study cancer.

Do I need to Opt-In To the Valsartan Class Action?

No, the valsartan class action is known as an opt-out class action. You only need to do something if you do not want to be part of the valsartan class action.

Does the Valsartan Class Action Cover Me if I Develop Cancer?

No! The valsartan class action only covers money paid to obtain the contaminated valsartan, the valsartan class action does NOT apply to personal injury cancer claims as a result of consuming contaminated valsartan.

What Should I do If I Took Contaminated Valsartan and Now Have Cancer?

Contact our valsartan attorneys today at 202-792-7927 for a free valsartan cancer lawsuit case evaluation. Personal injury claims related to taking contaminated valsartan must be filed on an individual basis and are NOT covered by the valsartan class action. 

Why Should I Have Nigh Goldenberg Raso & Vaughn Represent Me In My Valsartan Cancer Lawsuit?

The attorneys at Nigh Goldenberg Raso & Vaughn (NGRV) have extensive experience in the valsartan litigation. In fact, no other law firm in the nation has a fraction of the number of attorneys appointed by the court to the valsartan litigation’s leadership as NGRV. All four partners at NGRV have been appointed by the court to leadership on the valsartan litigation. Daniel Nigh is co-lead counsel of the valsartan litigation, Marlene Goldenberg and Brett Vaughn are both on the valsartan Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee and Ashleigh Raso is on the valsartan Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee. Both Daniel Nigh and Brett Vaughn also work closely with the experts on the valsartan litigation. Even the associate attorneys at NGRV have extensive brief writing experience on the valsartan litigation.

Where Can I Find More Information on the Valsartan Lawsuits?

The valsartan lawsuits are consolidated into MDL 2875. Check out our comprehensive page on valsartan lawsuit MDL 2875

Case management orders and other valsartan court orders can be found on our valsartan case management orders page. 

A PDF version of the valsartan consumer economic loss and medical monitoring class action notice can be viewed here.

Furthermore, the website was created specifically for the valsartan class action lawsuit. 

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