Uber Lawsuit MDL 3084 PreTrial Orders (PTOs)

Uber Sexual Assault Lawsuit MDL 3084 PreTrial Orders (PTOs) - stay up to date on the Uber Sexual Assault Lawsuits part of MDL 3084.

Uber Sexual Assault MDL 3084 PTOs

Below are links to the PreTrial Orders (PTOs) that have been entered in the Uber Sexual Assault MDL 3084. The Uber Sexual Assault MDL was formed in July of 2023. As of June 2024, there are approximately 300 Uber Sexual Assault lawsuits in MDL 3084.  Bookmark this page to stay up to date with the Uber Sexual Assault lawsuits as additional PreTrial Orders are issued.

10/04/2023: JPML Transfer Order Consolidating All Uber sexual Assault Lawsuits in the United States into MDL 3084 in the Northern District of California

10/06/2023: PTO 1 – First Status Conference, Uber Settlement Master, And Other Initial Matters

11/03/2023: PTO 2 – Preliminary Order On The Preservation Of Information That May Be Relevant To The Uber Sexual Assault Litigation

11/06/2023: PTO 3- Applications For Appointment To Uber Sexual Assault MDL 3084 Leadership / Steering Committee

12/06/2023: PTO 4 – Appointing Uber Sexual Assault Plaintiffs’ Leadership

12/28/2023: PTO 5 – Uber Discovery Schedule And Initial Motions

01/02/2024: PTO 6 – Direct Filing Of Uber Sexual Assault Lawsuits Into MDL 3084

02/09/2024: PTO 7 – Denying Motion To Stay All Uber Sexual Assault Proceedings In MDL 3084

03/01/2024: PTO 8 – Uber Discovery Dispute Resolution Procedures

03/15/2024: PTO 9 – ESI Protocol Disputes

03/19/2024: PTO 10 – Fact Sheet Implementation Order

03/20/2024: PTO 11 – Adoption of Uber Sexual Assault Master Complaint and Short Form Complaints

03/26/2024: PTO 12 – Uber Common Benefit Order – Timekeeping and Expenses Protocol

03/29/2024: PTO 13 – Expert Discovery Protocol

04/04/2024: PTO 14 – Federal Rule of Evidence 502(D) & Privileged Materials

05/20/2024: PTO 15 – Order on Terms of Use Motion

06/14/2024: Order Denying Joint Discovery Letter Regarding Custodians

Other Uber MDL 3084 Documents

Uber Sexual Assault Master Complaint

Uber Sexual Assault Short Form Complaint (SFC)

Plaintiff Fact Sheet (PFS)

Defendants Fact Sheet (DFS)

Uber Sexual Assault Lawsuit Information

Visit our page on Uber Sexual Assault Lawsuits MDL 3084 for more information on the status and history of MDL 3084. For a free Uber Sexual Assault lawsuit consultation with one of our Uber sexual assault attorneys, call 202-792-7927.

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