CPAP MDL 3014 PreTrial Orders (PTOs)

All PreTrial Orders (PTOs) for the CPAP lawsuits consolidated in MDL 3014.

MDL 3014 CPAP Case Management Orders

The PreTrial Orders (PTOs) entered in MDL 3014 for the consolidated CPAP recall lawsuits. MDL 3014 has been in existence for only a couple of years and there are already a few dozen entered PreTrial Orders. PTOs entered in MDL 3014 are a great way to keep up to date on the status of the CPAP lawsuits. Bookmark this page, as CPAP PreTrial Orders are added once they have been entered in MDL 3014

11/10/2021: PTO 1 – Applicability of Order, Consolidation, Master Docket File, Filing, Official Court Website, Appearances, General Responsibilities of Counsel, Counsel Cooperation, Pro Se Litigants, Communication With The Court, Extension And Stay of Discovery, Previous Orders, Preservation Of Evidence, Applications/Nominations, Appearance At The Initial Status Conference, & Covid-19 Protocols 

11/19/2021: PTO 2 – With Respect to (1) Interim Modifications To The Preservation Requirement And (2) Appointment Of Interim Lead Plaintiffs’ Counsel For The Purpose Of Negotiating An Interim Proposed Preservation Order

12/1/2021: PTO 3 – Initial Status Conference 

12/14/2021: PTO 4 – Granting Joint Motion For Extension Of Time To File Interim Preservation Order 

12/20/2021: PTO 5 – Schedule For Court Selection Of CPAP Lawsuit MDL 3060 Leadership 

12/21/2021: PTO 6 – Interim Lead Counsel Appointment

02/15/2022: PTO 8 – Order Appointing Co-Lead Counsel, Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee, Co-Liaison Counsel, And Certain Committee And Subcommittee Chairs and Members 

02/23/2022: PTO 9 – Order Setting Status Conference On March 22, 2022

03/17/2022: PTO 10 – With Respect To In-Person Hearings

03/25/2022: PTO 11 – Transcripts Of All Proceedings 

03/25/2022: PTO 12 – Scheduling CPAP MDL 3014 Monthly Status Conferences Through March 22, 2023 

03/29/2022: PTO 13 – Common Benefit Order Regarding Protocols For Plaintiffs’ Counsel Time And Expense Submissions in MDL 3014 

05/19/2022: PTO 14 – Scheduling The Filing Of Consolidated Amended Class And Master Complaints, Answers, Motions To Dismiss, And Related Briefing

05/19/2022: PTO 15 – Appointing Discovery Liaison Counsel

05/26/2022: PTO 16 – Appointing Settlement Mediator For CPAP MDL 3014

06/08/2022: PTO 17 – Procedures For In Extremis Depositions 

07/21/2022: PTO 18 – Stipulated Order Regarding Discovery Of Documents And Electronically Stored Information (ESI)

07/21/2022: PTO 19 – Stipulated Order Governing Privilege Log Protocol 

07/21/2022: PTO 20 – Order Setting Schedule For CPAP Science Show And Tell On September 1, 2022

08/15/2022: PTO 21 – With Respect To Science Day On September 1, 2022

08/25/2022: PTO 22 – Regarding Coordinated Briefing Of Motions To Remand To State Court

08/29/2022: PTO 23 – Agenda For CPAP Science Day 

08/29/2022: PTO 24 – Order Establishing A Common Benefit Assessment Percentage For Common Benefit Fees And Expenses In MDL 3014

09/14/2022: PTO 25 – Approving CPAP Census Registry Program

11/16/2022: PTO 25a – Modifying Census Registry Program 

09/22/2022: PTO 26 – Fact Sheet Implementation Order

11/16/2022: PTO 26a – Modifying Fact Sheet Implementation Order 

09/22/2022: PTO 27 – Authorizing Service Through MDL Centrality & Related Procedures 

10/05/2022: PTO 28 – Procedures For Filing Amended Master Personal Injury Complaint And Individual Short Form Personal Injury Complaints 

CPAP Recall Lawsuit Information

For more updated information on the current status of the CPAP recall lawsuits consolidated in MDL 3014, please visit our CPAP lawsuit MDL 3014 page. For a free consultation with our CPAP attorney, please call 202-792-7927.


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